

Galerie Geyso 20
16.07.21 – 15.10.21

Introduction: Nina Roskamp
Photos: Hannah Jung
Video: Stark & Shakupa

Lena Schmid-Tupou and Murat Akay in graphic dialogue: In their collaboration, they poetically explore each other’s line language.


With YAKAMOZ, Lena Schmid-Tupou and Murat Akay present their one and a half year-long visual dialog at Gallery Geyso20. In their collaboration, they poetically explore each other’s line language.
The title YAKAMOZ means the reflection of the moon in the water in Turkish and describes the correspondence in their jointly developed drawings. Colors and forms of one are reflected again and again in the drawing movements of the other, creating the impression of feeling the graphic thoughts of the other person.
In their first show together, we see works created together that are primarily dedicated to the freely arranged line.

Read more about the exhibition and watch the accompanying video.

“There is a series of pictures made with acrylic paints that I particularly like. The colors speak to me. They are beautiful bright and warm colors. In one of the pictures, I believe I can make out two letters of the Arabic alphabet. A warm feeling flows through my body. At the same time, a longing for the region and the culture rises in me. In hindsight, I think art is best viewed the way the Little Prince of Saint-Exupéry would: with the heart.

– Dr. Christina Schlegl, August 2021